6) Video


This page stores  the audio+visual  records of  :
1) Video of Family activities or special occassions
2) Video logs of individuals as an introduction  to their descendents.
3) Video logs to preserve some customs, cultures, traditions or just to preserve a family cooking recipe.

Duration should preferably not longer than 10 mins .  Try to make a video for your descendant what you wished your ancestor could have done for you.

2004 Apr 11 - QingMing Balestier & 3rd Uncle's (Kwan FunMee) house in PotongPasir (12 mins) The ashes of KWAN SungWai & WooLoiMoi  are kept in TaiPei Temple. Niche no. 281 & 294 on the 5th floor. There is high probability that the QingMing custom may not last another 2 generations due to varieties of reasons like busy lifestyle, modernization, conversion away from the Buddhism / Taoism. Select Full-Screen View.

2011 Oct 9 - Gatherings of 3 Generations  @ Sunset Way (7mins)  Total of 24 cousins of the 30th generation of KWAN came together for a buffet lunch+HighTea+Dinner. Many of whom have not met for over 20 years.  Select Full-Screen.

2013 Neighbour-hood of ChiKan within 800m  radius (set video quality to at least 480p)  Select Full-Screen View.


2022 June 13, Kwan PengYee, the last surviving child of Guan Chong Hui (Kwan SungWai) passed away @ age 95. First of his generation to use the Inland-Ash Scattering at Choa Chu Kang (4.5 mins video). Select HD & Full-screen view.