3) A New Generation (born after the 1960s)

Well... the new generations (ie 31st generation onwards) born after the 1960s, would be easier to track or trace thanks to the social media of Facebooks, emails or twitter.

If you are a direct descendant of KWAN Chong Hui, plse email your facebook name or email to joekwan@singnet.com.sg.

KWAN Carol (Daughter of TuckWing) - 
KWAN Joshua Kim (Son of TuckKian) - www.facebook.com/joshua.kim.kwan?fref=hovercard
KWAN Nicholas (Son of TuckKian) - www.facebook.com/nicholas.kwan.14?fref=ts
KWAN MeiYen (Daughter of TuckWah) - www.facebook.com/meiyen.kwan?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab

WONG KinWen Mathew (Grandson of Kwan SweeSim) -www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10621417&fref=ts