1) World War II (1940 to 1945)

When the Japanese Marched into Singapore in Feb 1942 (after just a week of fighting) ,  SungWai already had 9 children , of which 3 Brothers already established their own  tailoring shops in Chinatown (more information of the shops in chapter 2). The youngest son PengMun was about 13 yrs old.

After the 1st year of occupation, there were acute shortage of food and living conditions under Japanese rule was terrible. The 3 brothers, FunMee , FunKui+wife & PengYee (15 yrs) went over to Malaysia Johor to work as coolie (hard labor) in a timber factory as well as farmed their own food in the forest, including rearing ducks and chickens .  Where exactly in Malaysia could not be recalled. They had to serve both the Japanese as well as the resistant  fighters in Malaysia.

The 3 brothers survived for 2+ yrs until the Japanese surrendered in 1945. 
The tailor shops in Singapore were business as usual throughout the war and during the Japanese occupation.  There were of course disruptions during the bombings, and 1 bomb landed in front of KongOn, less than 20m away. The opposite shop where  the bomb  landed  was demolished, but no damage to KongOn.  

SungWai’s family had no war casualties, everyone survived .